The Sector for Land Surveying and Commassation carries out the following:
- preparing preliminary drafts, drafts and proposals of laws and other regulations and general bylaws pertaining to the field of basic geodetic works, surveying, land commassation and mapping of the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
- maintaining technical records of original plans and maps of basic geodetic works and other data obtained through geodetic works, as well as disseminating the data,
- establishing, operating and maintaining geodetic information system on the basis of digital geodetic plan,
- preparing drafts of mid-term and annual work plans,
- preparing analyses, reports, instructions, opinions and interpretations of regulations which fall under the jurisdiction of the Sector,
- reviewing the proposals on the need for conducting the land surveying, as well as mapping of the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina or land commassation,
- making proposals on undertaking adequate measures and preparing information for the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina which fall under the scope of the Sector,
- carrying out geodetic and mapping works,
- monitoring and acceptance of land surveying works, cadastral classification, rating and evaluation of land, land commassation and mapping of the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
- performing inspection monitoring of activities involving land surveying and commassation, as well as basic and other geodetic works,
- following and studying the laws and other regulations which pertain to basic geodetic works, land surveying, mapping of the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and land commassation, as well as giving the opinion on preliminary drafts and drafts of laws and other regulations which pertain to the competencies of the Administration,
- preparing contracts on joint financing and implementation of land surveying works, mapping of the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, cadastral classification, rating and evaluation of land, land commassation, as well as inspecting and certifying implemented works,
- cooperating on the development of the regulations pertaining to the fields which fall under the jurisdiction of the Sector for Immovable Property Cadastre and the Sector for Real Property and General Affaris,
- keeping abreast with the field of geodesy scientifically and professionally, as well as improving geodetic profession through the introduction of modern work methods,
- processing, arranging, recording, maintaining and protecting plans and maps and other documentation pertaining to the field of identification and marking of demarcation line.