The Sector for Cadastre carries out the following:
• taking part in preparation of laws and bylaws pertaining to immovable property cadastre and public utilities cadastre,
• preparing proposals of the reports for the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
• planning, contracting and monitoring implementation of works pertaining to the immovable property cadastre, land cadastre and public utilities cadastre and automatic processing of cadastral data,
• performing inspection monitoring of works pertaining to the immovable property cadastre, land cadastre, public utilities cadastre, automatic processing of cadastral data, handover of cadastre data to the courts (land registry offices),
• establishing and operating cadastral information system,
• keeping statistics pertaining to the immovable property cadastre, land cadastre, public utilities cadastre and automatic processing of cadastral data,
• scientific and professional training of the employees of the Sector,
• conducting the proceedings, preparing and drafting second instance decisions pertaining to the immovable property cadastre, land cadastre and public utilities cadastre,
• carrying out administrative and professional activities regarding the following: study and application of modern technological procedures pertaining to the immovable property cadastre, land cadastre, public utilities cadastre and automatic processing of data relevant to these fields.