Sector for Geodetic-Property and General Issues carries out the following:
• ruling on administrative matters, conducting administrative proceedings and ruling on administrative matters in its capacity of a second instance authority,
• preparing preliminary drafts of laws and other regulations which fall under the jurisdiction of the Administration (expropriations, construction land, usurpations, commassation, arrondation, selling and buying of immovable property, registration of immovable property as the property of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, restitution, etc.),
• preparing of analyses and reports, instructions and explanations for application of regulations in the field of real property affairs,
• monitoring compliance of cantonal regulation pertaining to real property affairs with the Constitution, the law and other regulations, as well as undertaking necessary measures and activities on their harmonization,
• making proposals and launching initiatives aimed at the improvement of work of cantonal authorities which are competent for real property affairs,
• monitoring implementation of the law and other regulations pertaining to the field of real property affairs, as well as proposing the measures for their application,
• conducting real property affairs pertaining to the immovable property which is owned by the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
• preparing information and necessary materials for the Government of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina pertaining to the field of real property affairs which fall under the jurisdiction of the Administration,
• taking part in the preparation of regulations which fall under the scope of the Sector for Land Surveying and Commassation and the Sector for the Immovable Property Cadastre,
• carrying out legal, human resources, economic, financial and general affairs on the level of the Administration