A workshop within the CILAP project “Improvement of the geodetic infrastructure development” was held in Banja Luka from 9 to 10 April 2019. On this workshop participated representatives of the Cilap Project and representatives of both entity geodetic administrations.
On the workshop it was discussed about the Lantmäteriet experiences in the implementation of new geodetic referent systems in Sweden, the procedure of moving from ETRS 89 into SWEREF 99, national cartographic projection, local cartographic projection, splitting on sheets, methods, transformations, models of correction and other important topics presented by Mr. Šeho Zimić on behalf of the CILAP Project.
Considering that all referent systems in Bosnia and Herzegovina are incompatible, obsolete, the reference networks damaged or destroyed, both entity geodetic administrations have started the activities on introduction of the new global referent system and development of new reference frames, and it is an obligation within the Resolution “Global Geodetic Reference Framework for Sustainable Development” which was adopted by UN General Assembly on its session 26 February 2015.
The Project of determination of Geoid for the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the High Precision Levelling Network III, renewal of the certain number of points from old levelling networks, Detail technical specification for High Precision Levelling Network III, stabilization of new rappers, levelling measurements, GNSS measurements and the gravimetric survey were presented by Mr. Eldin Đonlagić Assistant Director in the Federal Geodetic Administration and Mr. Sead Hadžić, Working Group member. The works on High Precision Levelling Network III in Republic of Srpska was presented by Mr. Rajko Božić Assistant Director in Republic Geodetic Administration, and Mr. Bojan Ninčić, Working Group coordinator.
It was concluded that in the Land Administration sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina by building geodetic infrastructure, will be enabled rapid and reliable positioning as well as display of all spatial data in accordance with valid European standards and reference systems, which will achieve compatibility with the European Geodetic Reference Framework and integration in the European Geodetic Associations.
Geodetic survey will be more reliable, simpler and faster in horizontal and vertical sense for the needs of cadastre, cartography and applied geodesy in engineering, and other needs like navigation and environmental protection.