The workshop with an objective to start education on project management was held on July 8-11 in Laktaši. The workshop was conducted by an expert from Lantmäteriet Mr. Kent Nilsson, Senior Technical Advisor at the International Services of Lantmäteriet.
The main goal is to learn one group of experts from both authorities involved within deferent projects about methods and tools to lead, manage and take care of projects within the geodetic authorities. The workshop was also attended by two representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Republic of Srpska.
This is the first step of two planned trainings in this area with the main goal to give a overview of the most essential parts of project management.
During the workshop the project model PPS (Practical Project Steering) used in the Lantmäteriet is presented in detail. Its settings, procedures, steps, decision points, the templates and content of the most important project documents and the manner of their creation were shown.