During period of 27-28 September 2017 in Hutovo Blato, Čapljina a workshop regarding Component 1 of the CILAP Project “Support to the strengthening of Land Administration organizations, development of Human Resources, relevant Legal Framework and Project management” was held.
The purpose of the workshop was to educate management of both administrations, Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs and Republic Authority for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, regarding “Conflict Management". The workshop was leaded by a CILAP project consultant, experts from the Center for Development of Business Systems and Education "INTERQUALITY".
During the workshop, all aspects of conflict management, causes of their occurrence, ways of resolving them, aspects of successful business communication, business culture and collaborative work were discussed. Presentation on the use of mobile technology in everyday business processes was held by Mr. Saša Lukić, developer of applications in the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority – Lantmäteriet.
On behalf of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs the workshop was attended by Mr. Željko Obradović, the Director, Mrs. Jasminka Suša, the Secretary of the Administration, Director’s Assistants namely Mrs. Antonija Sikimić, Mr. Goran Brkić, Mr. Eldin Đonlagić, and Denis Tabučić, Geoinformatics Sector Employee and CILAP Project Coordinator for FBiH.