In accordance with the planned activities within the Swedish DELEF project, a workshop was held in Jahorina in the period from March 19 to 21, 2024 within the framework of component 3: Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI).
The workshop was led by Swedish respective experts on behalf of Lantmateriet, Mr. Peter Bodley and Mr. Henrik Söderkrantz.
During the workshop, the working groups presented the implemented activities in the field of Spatial Data Infrastructure to the experts. The main topics of the workshop were Metadata Standards, a Metadata Catalog in which the Swedish national metadata profile was presented, as well as legal regulations and INSPIRE, after which detailed technical specifics were discussed.
The aim of the workshop was to present an example from Sweden, and in connection with the steps in the implementation of the SDI in the FBiH in accordance with the INSPIRE directive and implementing rules, to give the working groups guidelines for planning the next steps and activities.