It is known that very important Land Administration projects in FBiH are in realization process. Especially important is „Real Estate Registration“ project which is funded by World Bank credits, and it's primary goal is to harmonize cadastre and land registry data in urban areas of FBiH. Within this Project, procurement of equipment for cadastral and land registry offices is carried out in order to improve working conditions of employees in Land Administration Sector of FBiH. Herceg Bosna Canton is one of cantons where there is a need of additional engagement in implementation of this and similar projects. For this purposes, Mr. Željko Obradović, director of Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, has visited Livno municipality and Herzeg Bosnia Canton on October 26, 2016. On this occasion Director met with Mr. Draško Dalić, president of Herzeg Bosna Canton Government, and Mr. Ivica Brešić, minister of Agriculture, Water and Forestry. The meeting was attended by Mr. Ivan Lesko, president of the Geodetic Association of Herzeg Bosnia and Mr. Zdravko Prka, association member. After this meeting Mr. Željko Obradović held a meeting with Mr, Ivica Čelan, municipality chief, to discuss regarding dynamics of agreed and planned activities implementation for the next period.