During period of June 24-26, 2019 representatives and engaged consultants of the Swedish Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA / Swedish Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys) have visited Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs to conduct interviews and consultations with staff members of the Geodetic Administration who are in charge of the implementation of donor projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the funds provided by the Kingdom of Sweden.
The Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA) is a Swedish is a Government committee with a mandate to evaluate and analyse Sweden’s international development assistance. The EBA’s has the authority to conduct studies and organize seminars on issues with relevance for the Swedish development sector. The purpose of the visits is to review the results and context of assistance provided by the Kingdom of Sweden in order to develop a new investment strategy in the territory of the Western Balkans and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The consultant also visited the Municipality of Kiseljak to see an example of donor beneficiaries at the local level of self-government.