Twenty-third session of the Federation of BiH Spatial Data council was held via electronic communication channels on 23 February 2021. Council members from competent institutions in accordance with the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina decision attended the session.
The council members discussed following agenda items:
- Introducing of the new council members- new convocation
- Adopting the minutes from twenty-second SDI FBiH session
- Adopting the agenda of twenty-third session
- Information on SDI FBiH Law
- Information of SDI FBiH working groups activities
- Information on SDI FBiH entities participation in the SDI FBiH establishment activities
- Information on planned project activities of the SDI FBiH establishment from the FBiH budget for 2021
- Information on planned educations during 2021
- Information on intention for candidacy the support project for the SDI establishment in the Public Investment Program
- Information on improvement the SDI FBiH web site
- Information on harmonization the SDI FBiH data- ETL procedures
- Information on SDI FBiH metadata update- information and presentation
- Information on updating of instructions for using the SDI FBiH metadata catalogue- information and presentation
- Development of the SDI FBiH Geoportal- information and presentation
- Other
Next session of the SDI FBiH council has been planned for May 2021.