The World Bank's Supervisory Mission together with the Food and Agriculture Organization-FAO Team, is visiting Bosnia and Herzegovina, within which in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is staying in the period from 29 October to 6 November 2018. The World Bank's Supervisory Mission leaded by Mr. Camille Bourguignon, in the premises of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs were welcomed by the Manager of the Unit for Real Estate Registration Project in Federation of BiH Mr. Nedžad Pašalić and employees of the Implementation Unit.
The purpose of the visit is to review the implementation of the Real Estate Registration Project, monitor the progress of the implementation and review the upcoming activities in continuation of the successful implementation of the Project. Special attention was given to the harmonization of data between the cadastre and the land registry in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Manager of the Unit for Real Estate Registration Project in Federation of BiH Mr. Nedžad Pašalić has informed the members of the Mission about achieved results since the last Mission in May 2018. It was concluded that the eighth phase of the Project was finished- 255 cadastral municipalities, area of 300 000 ha. Ending with October 31st, establishment of the land registry books for 129 cadastral municipalities was done, and for 126 cadastral municipalities harmonization is still ongoing.
At the meeting it was pointed out that all activities are carried out in accordance with adopted and agreed plans, and mutual satisfaction with implementation level was expressed. Future activities and goals were also presented.