The World Bank representatives and representatives of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs held several online meetings during last week, including the final meeting on 14 October 2020. The purpose of the World Bank mission was the review of the Real Estate Registration Project progress in Bosnia and Herzegovina. During held meetings, it was stated good efficiency and four of the development goals have been realized.
On the meetings stated significant increase of the land registry data based on new cadastral survey during the Real Estate Registration Project implementation, especially through the harmonization activities between land registry and cadaster. Currently, 55.35% of the land registry data are based on the new cadastral survey, compared with the 33.3% at the beginning of the Project implementation. A total of 1,024,586 of owners and co-owners have been registered their rights to their real estate within the Real Estate Registration Project, which has improved the safe legal transactions of the real estates and the economy development.
On the end of the meeting, it was expressed big satisfaction with achieved results and given support to the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs for further realization of strategic goals especially of the harmonization between land registry and cadastral data, which is a priority activity. It was also pointed out that the Additional Financing Project is in ratification procedure, which continues already started activities within the RERP Project.