The thirty-seventh session of the Spatial Data of the Federation of BiH Council (SDI FBiH Council) was held in the premises of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs on August 30, 2023. The members of the Council participated in the session in accordance with the Decision of the Government of the Federation of BiH.
At the session, the Council have discussed:
The Federal Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs, as the Coordinating Body of the SDI FBiH, has prepared and delivered to the members of the Council information on the implemented activities from the Work Plan for the establishment, maintenance and development of the SDI FBiH for the Year 2023.
An updated version of Metadata Catalogue of the SDI FBiH was presented to the Council Members. At the 37th session of the SDI FBiH Council, a draft of the definitions and detailed description of spatial data topics of the IPP FBiH was adopted. After adoption by the Council in the form of a draft, the same rules will undergo a public consultation procedure lasting at least 30 days and be submitted to the Council for final adoption.