The FBiH Government determined Law on Spatial Data Infrastructure on their regular 258 session held on 11 March 2021 and referred it to the FBiH Parliament. The Spatial Data Infrastructure is currently based on the Spatial Data Infrastructure Regulation from 2014, and new Law is based on the European Parliament and Council Directive from 14 March 2007.
Issues related to the availability, quality, organization and sharing of spatial data is common in many areas of human activity, including administrative bodies and other public institutions, and solving these issues requires action, which ensures efficient system of data sharing, exchange and use.
The new Federal Law creates basic rules on the Spatial Data Infrastructure establishment which imply metadata, spatial data sets and services, agreements on exchange, access and using, as well as coordination and supervisor mechanisms. The Law also creates legal frame for management and exchange of spatial information.
The adoption of the Law will create a framework for easier data review and retrieval from the SDI FBiH entities jurisdiction and increase the efficiency of public authorities in areas related to spatial data. The positive impact will be reflected on the budget of all levels, because the same or a similar set of spatial data will not be financed in several different institutions, but only in one that will share data with others through SDI. It will also be prevented using of the unofficial spatial data and reduced risk of administrative procedures and irregularity during downloading.