At the 14th session of the House of Peoples of the Federation BiH, held on June 23, 2016, text of Draft of Law on Land Consolidation was adopted meaning that adoption procedure is completed and adopted text will be sent for publication in the Official Gazette of the Federation.
Contrary to the earlier Law in which the participants of land consolidation were were possessors, a new Law recognize land consolidation participants as landowners who on a voluntary basis enter into a process of land consolidation.
The situation of agricultural land in the Federation is that parcels are fragmented, mostly without access roads, no system for modern irrigation and drainage, and often without resolved ownership relations, which reduces the interest in agricultural production investing, both of domestic and foreign investors.
The application of the new Law will allow the formation of parcels of agricultural land with landscaped road network, hydro melioration system for irrigation and drainage of water surplus, intensive agricultural production and the competitiveness of agricultural products in thesaturated and demanding European market, and simultaneously also improving the working conditions of farmers.
Recognizing the importance of Land Consolidation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the early eighties began the process of land consolidation primarily in lowland areas of the country, of which a large part has been finished, and in some areas this was impossible to complete due to war (Livno, Odžak and Orašje). Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, recognizing the value of land consolidation has continued work in these municipalities, and in Ravno municipality started with the new land consolidation.
Activity plan for Year 2016 include the continuation of land consolidation activities in the municipalities of Orašje and Ravno.