The Republic Authority for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs of Republic of Srpska organized the first conference "Spatial Data Infrastructure Days 2024", which took place in Banja Luka on April 22 and 23, 2024. This year's conference aimed to present the progress in the field of SDI in the territory of Republic of Srpska and to follow current trends regarding spatial data infrastructure in agencies and geodetic administrations from the region, as well as from the Netherlands and Sweden.
Representatives from the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs participated in the conference, including assistant director Mr. Denis Tabučić, senior associate Mr. Jasmin Ćatić, and a consultant on the DELEF project Mr. Benjamin Emirhafizović. Within Session 3, a presentation was held on the topic "Implementation of Spatial Data Infrastructure in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina", and provided an overview of the most important activities and initiatives regarding SDI in FBiH, presenting achieved results as well as plans for future development.
Through various presentations, lectures, and discussions, the importance of spatial data, the need for capacity development, the application of new technologies, and future trends and guidelines regarding INSPIRE and SDI in general were highlighted.