A Contract on creation of a common data model of the land registry and cadastre has been signed by Director, Mr. Željko Obradović and engaged consultant, Mr. Zdravko Galić in premises of the Federal Geodetic Administration on April 19, 2023. As a part of the project activities of the Real Estate Registration Project- Additional Financing, a „Feasibility study of new architecture and software for FBIH land registry and cadastre information system „ was prepared during 2022, within which obstacles and weaknesses of the existing framework for the future system development were recognized.
In order for FBIH citizens and business community not to suffer due to the administrative and legislative complex procedures, the amendments were adopted on the existing Law on Survey and Cadastre, Law on Survey and Real Estate Cadastre and Law on Land Registry in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In order for the aforementioned changes be effectively implemented and introduced into everyday application and start implementing the recommendations from the Study, it is necessary to complete a number of bylaws, create a common data model of the land registry and cadastre, and complete the improvements of the information system through the World Bank’s financial funds.