Regular Annual Meeting of the project management and component leaders was held on Vlasic on November 21-22, 2014. Aim of meeting is preparation of Annual Work and Time plan for 2015 which will prepared in accordance with the expressed requirements of the component leaders, working groups and CILAP project coordinators at the workshop.
On the first day of the meeting the leaders of the working groups for each component from the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Property Affairs of FBiH (FGA FBiH) and the Republic Authority for Geodetic and Property Affairs of RS (RGA RS) presented the activities and results achieved within the Project.
In the afternoon session, there were a discussion on the plans and needs of FGA FBiH and RGA RS for the support by the project. After that, the leaders of working groups worked individually on their components and agreed common and specific activities needed to improve work of both authorities.
All participants stressed the remarkable results achieved in less than two years of Project implementation. Also, Ms. Andja Zimic, CILAP project director expressed great satisfaction with the cooperation with geodetic authorities, directors, projects coordinators and work teams involved in the project. She emphasized the exceptional authorities’ dedication to work that led to achievement of great results within the project.
The meeting was very successful and reached agreements will allow the planning of project activities for 2015 in full accordance with the actual needs of the geodetic authorities. On the basis of these agreements Work and Time plan for 2015 will be prepared and presented on the CILAP project’s Steering Committee meeting in Trebinje, on December 4, 2014.