The Sixth Plenary Meeting of UN-GGIM: Europe was held in Brussels on 4-6- June 2019. The UN-GGIM: Europe is UN expert committee for managing geospatial information and gathers together delegates from geodetic authorities and statistical agencies, as well as international geospatial experts from region. Their goal is development of global geospatial information and their usage in solving of global challenges (global geodetic reference framework, spatial information in the context of sustainable development, adoption of standards and interoperability etc.)
During the plenary meeting, along with the standard agenda items such as an overview of annual activities, election of members of the Executive Committee and report of working groups, it was also held a workshop on Development of the IGIF-a (Integrated Geospatial Information Framework. The IGIF is a reference framework for developing and empowering the arrangements in domain of managing the national geospatial information, respectively the guidelines for the development of national spatial data infrastructures with an emphasis on underdeveloped countries and developing countries.
On behalf of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs attended Mr. Nikola Cvjetković, expert advisor in Geoinformatic’s Sector.