In the premises of the Norwegian Cadastral and Mapping Administration in Oslo, Norway both directors of Entity Administrations for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs in BiH, namely Mr. Željko Obradović and Mrs. Bosiljka Predragović have signed an Agreement on institutional co-operation on the implementation of a Donor project which will be funded by the Government of the Kingdom of Norway, on 18 April 2018.The Agreement on behalf of the implementing partner respectively the Statens Kartverk - Norway Cadastral and Mapping Administration, was signed by Mr. Helge Onsrud, Director of the Sector for International Cooperation.
The new Donor project is a continuation of the support of the Government of Norway, which through the Mapping and Cadastre Administration - Statens kartverk (SK), for many years supported the countries of the Western Balkans region in the fields of preparation and collection of spatial / geographic information as well as establishment of services providing access to the same. Through the previously successful project in BiH - "Public services for the real estate market and European integration", capacity building was carried out at the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs (FGA) and the Republic Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs RS (RGARS).
Responding to the requests for continued support, at the end of Year 2017, Statens Kartverk had presented a Project proposal to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which was subsequently approved. For the realization of the Project with the partner institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a total grant of 6 million Norwegian Krone (NOK) was granted.
The period of new Donor project implementation start from April 2018 till the end of October 2020. The overall goal of the Project is establishment of the Digital Archive system into the local offices of RGARS and several local self-government units in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the improvement of entity networks of permanent GNSS stations, increased number of reference stations and other system improvements. Expected results of the Project are: