A seminar entitled „Projects of land administration in West Herzegovina Canton and Herzeg Bosnia Canton- experiences, benefits and future activities“ was held on 9 June 2018 in Kupres. Main goals of this seminar were to familiarize municipalities’ representatives with the activities of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs- process of the Address Register establishment, the Sales Price Register Establishment, and Digital Archive establishment.
Director of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs Mr. Željko Obradović welcomed all attendees and opened the seminar. He has presented actualities, projects and future activities of the Federal Geodetic Administration. The Real Estate Registration Project was presented as very important project for a sustainable property registration system with harmonized cadastral and land register data, and reliable information about real estate.
Mr. Denis Tabučić has presented the spatial data infrastructure and creation of a cartographic base provided by the Federal Geodetic Administration.
The presentation “Basic geodetic works” was presented by Mr. Eldin Đonlagić, Assistant Director for land consolidation, survey and cartography, and presentation on “Public display of data regarding survey and cadastral classification of land” was presented by Mr. Ivan Lesko Director of the Geodetic Administration of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton.
A presentation of the CILAP project activities has started with the Address Register establishment in the Federation of BiH, presented by Mrs. Željka Kolobarić a coordinator for the Address Register establishment in Federation of BiH. An overview, the establishment procedure of the Address Register in municipalities of West Herzegovina Canton and Herzeg Bosnia Canton, and future challenges were presented. Also were presented some examples from other municipalities and importance of cooperation with the Agency for identification documents, registers and data exchange IDDEEA.
Mrs. Vedrana Vučić a member of the Working Group for establishment of the Sales price register in FBiH, has presented the Sales Price Register in Federation of BiH- application, cooperation and results. This project provides a great opportunity to provide relevant information to market participants in the real estate market.
A development of the Digital Archive system in Federation of BiH was presented by Miss Edina Behić. The experiences from pilot location- Gradačac Municipality were presented, and it was pointed out that Norwegian project provided funds for continuation of the Digital Arhive system establishment and first steps will be inclusion of the municipalities. It will also be done the integration with other systems, and training and capacity building for the implementation of these activities will be provided through the CILAP project.
The seminar finished with a brief discussion and conclusions on the importance of all activities carried out by the Federal Geodetic Administration.