Regional workshop within the Spatial II project in the framework of strengthening professional access to information about land in the Western Balkan region was held in Banja Luka on April 12-13, 2023. The workshop was organized by the Republic Authority for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs Republic of Srpska and Kadaster, and attended by representatives of the Republic Geodetic Authority, the Federal Geodetic Administration, the Republic Geodetic Institute of Serbia, the Agency for Land Administration and Cartography of the Netherlands (Kadaster) and the State Authority for Geospatial Information of Albania ASIG.
In general, the main topics of this regional workshop are mass valuation and sales price register of real estate. These topics will be addressed by exploring the role of geodata in mass valuation, methods for valuation related to different circumstances and the system of property tax. Information on these aspects will be provided by sharing experiences of the Dutch Kadaster, the Dutch Waarderingskamer, Lantmäteriet and the Danish Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure.
By organizing this and similar workshops, organizations share mutual experiences and problems, and since many of them face the same or similar challenges when building a national spatial data infrastructure, the joint work and knowledge sharing are the key elements for successful implementation.