A public discussion on Spatial Data Infrastructure of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Law was held in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Spatial Planning in premises of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs on 17 November 2020.
On public discussion also participated representatives of the Federal Ministry of Justice and BH Telecom as well as public via online communication platforms. The Draft on Spatial Data Infrastructure of FBiH Law was presented by Mr. Goran Brkic, Assistant Director and President of the Working Group for institutional and legal issues appointed by the SDI FBiH Council.
Director of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs and President of the SDI FBiH Council, Mr. Zeljko Obradovic addressed all attendees and briefly presented the advantages of the Draft Law on SDI FBiH and opened the constructive discussion.
After the deadline for receipt comments, suggestions and remarks the Working Group will coordinate the activities of summarizing the results of the public discussion, compiling the report as well as preparing the final text of the draft Law after which the draft will be referred to further legislative procedure.