In the premises of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, on 4 December 2017, a meeting was held in order to formalize the completion of the Agreement for the Development of a Digital Archive System. On behalf of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, meeting was attended by Mr. Željko Obradović, Director, Mr. Nedžad Pašalić, Assistant Director for Geoinformatic, Mr. Denis Tabučić, employee of Geoinformatics Sector and CILAP Project Coordinator for FBiH, Mrs. Amira Babić, employee of Geoinformatics Sector and Component 6 leader, and associates namely Mr. Nedim Rakić and Mr. Nedim Hadžiosmanović. In front of the CILAP project, the meeting was attended by Director Mrs. Anđa Zimić, technical advisor for the CILAP project Mr. Šeho Zimić, and associates namely Mr. Sead Hadžić and Mrs. Edina Behić. The meeting was also attended by representatives of contrators for development of Digital archive IT system Mr. Mirza Ponjavić, Mr. Almir Karabegović, Mr. Enes Hukić and Mr. Elvir Ferhtbegović, as well as a representative of the selected pilot location (Municipality of Gradačac) Mr. Enes Iskrić.
At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Željko Obradović, Director of Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs addressed the audience, expressing gratitude to all who contributed to the development of this project, primarily to the Norwegian project that provided funds for development of digital archive system, the CILAP project and the Contractor for successful cooperation. Also, great gratitude was expressed to the pilot municipality Gradačac, whose experience and knowledge will be used when implementing the system in other municipalities begins.
After that Mr. Almir Karabegović in front of Company Gauss presented the final report and showed the main functionalities of the system. The Contractor’s work is completed in accordance with the terms of the Contract documents and the Technical Specifications of the project. It was emphasized that the Contractor submitted the final report as well as the supporting documentation, thus completing this project.
This meeting has completed the development phase of the application, but there is coming up work on future implementation of the system in other municipalities and the linking of the digital archive system with already existing systems, such as software for cadastre. Also, the significance and importance of a digital archive system to users themselves will be clear only after entering a larger set of data, when it will be shown how much digital data management is easier than the existing analogue search documentation.