In Mostar, a conference called "Looking over Year 2024" was organized by the Student Union of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy of the University of Mostar.
One of the lecturers at this Conference was the director of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, Mr. Željko Obradović. The topic of the lecture was "Successful Land Administration - the basis of economic development". In his lecture, Director Obradović presented the students with strategic documents and strategic goals of the Land Administration sector in the context of the Development Strategy of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The accuracy, security and reliability of real estate data is the basis of both the real estate market and the entire economy in all modern societies. The vision of the Federal Geodetic Administration is to build an efficient, safe and sustainable system of real estate records in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, while ensuring the accuracy and quality of spatial data, through continuous collection, maintenance and availability in digital form, and to strive to establish an integrated database on real estate in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Very important projects and activities are being implemented in this direction. Harmonization of cadastral and land registry book data, public display of survey data, establishment of Utility cadastre, establishment of topographic-cartographic database, establishment of Spatial Data Infrastructure, establishment of central database of Address Register, Sales Price Register and mass valuations of properties are one of the key activities implemented by the Federal Geodetic Administration and whose results are of great importance for all citizens as well for land administration sector data users.