A meeting within the Business driven problem-based learning for academic excellence in geoinformatics (GEOBIZ) project was held in premises of the Rectorate of University of Zagreb on 4-6 February 2020. The project coordinator is Geodetic Faculty in Zagreb, respectively Prof. Dr. Zeljko Bacic.
Rector of the University of Zagreb prof. Dr. Damir Boras, representative of the Agency for Mobility and EU Program Ms Antonija Gladovic and Dean of the Geodetic Faculty in Zagreb prof. Dr. Almir Dapo have opened the meeting and held welcoming speeches.
During the working part of the meeting was presented the GEOBIZ Project Assignment. Ms Giulia Moro from EACEA presented project obligations to the investiture, and then prof. Dr. Gezim Gjata from UTP Tirana, Mr. Dragan Protic from Gilab Ltd. Belgrade and Mr. Andrej Loncaric from GDI Ltd. Zagreb presented the GEBIZ project and emphasized the importance of the project for the improvement of cooperation between the academic and economic sectors.
The project partners were presented during the second day of meeting, and since the Federal Geodetic Administration is one of the partners, Ms Slobodanka Kljucanin, expert advisor for cartography, held the presentation. The Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs is obliged to provide persons for the GEOBIZ Project Supervisory Board, in the term of supporting the organization of workshops, building cooperation with the academic sector and raising awareness about the importance of geo data.