A meeting between representatives of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs led by Director, Mr. Zeljko Obradovic and representatives of Municipality of Kladanj led by Municipal Mayor, Mr. Jusuf Cavkunovic was held in premises of Federal Geodetic Administration on 6 April 2022.
Participants discussed the activities of the land administration sector in Municipality of Kladanj. Director Obradovic, together with his associates, presented current and planned activities in the land administration sector of the Federation of BiH. Municipality of Kladanj is a beneficiary of the Real Estate Registration Project but only in the part of supporting the equipping for the municipal office for geodetic affairs, but the priority of the municipality is to continue with public presentation of cadastral data. It was also emphasized the need for complete the Address Register project, in which the Administration will give its support.
At the end of the meeting, it was expressed satisfaction with the cooperation so far and agreed guidelines for further implementation of projects and activities.