A meeting between representatives of the Federal Geodetic Administration and Municipality Kladanj was held in the Administration’s premises on 14.3.2023. The meeting was attended by Director, Mr. Željko Obradović with his associates and Municipality mayor, Mr. Jusuf Čavkunović with his associates.
Topic of the meeting was analysis of current activities of the land administration sector in Municipality Kladanj. A priority project in municipality Kladanj is certainly the public exhibition of data regarding survey and cadastral classification of land because cadastral records of new survey available in Municipality have not been put into official use. Through joint effort and work, the activities necessary to complete the public exhibition of data for cadastral municipality Kladanj were coordinated, which include the implementation of reported changes in valid cadastral register, additional survey, development of partition plans and public exhibition of data regarding survey and cadastral classification of land. This project will be realized in three phases and the expected end of presentation and putting into official use is planned for the spring 2025.
In addition to the public exhibition project, at the meeting discussed the address register project; marking street names, settlements, squares and house numbers. At the end of the meeting, joint activities on the project implementation were agreed upon, and physical marking is expected to begin in 2023.