A meeting with representatives of Ilidza Municipality was held in premises of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs on 14 July 2020. On the meeting participated Mr. Zeljko Obradovic, Director, Mr. Nedzad Pasalic, Assistant Director, Mr. Jasmin Voloder Assistant in Sector for Real estate, Cadaster and Geodesy of Municipality Ilidza and Ms Dzemila Vrucak Head of the Cadaster Department of Municipality Ilidza.
On the meeting was discussed status of the land administration sector of Municipality Ilidza, solutions for the improvement of cadastral and land registry data promptness and about harmonization between cadastral and land registry data in two cadastral municipalities- Hrasnica and Butmir. Through the harmonization process, Municipality Ilidza will become RERP project beneficiary, which so far includes 56 municipalities.
It was also expressed satisfaction with the completed Address Register project and highlighted need for greater engagement in the Sales Price Register project, as well in establishing a Digital Archive in Municipality Ilidza.