The meeting of representatives of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, the Cantonal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, the City of Mostar and the Land Registry Office of Mostar was held on February 16, 2024 in the premises of the City Administration. The Director of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, Mr. Željko Obradović, the Mayor of the City of Mostar, Mr. Mario Kordić, and the Director of the Cantonal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, Mr. Ivan Lesko, expressed their mutual gratification with the successful cooperation so far on the implementation of Land Administration projects in the area of the City of Mostar.
One of the most important projects implemented in the area of the city of Mostar is the establishment/replacement of the Land Registry book according to the data of the new survey. After the creation of Application Sheetsand Distribution Plans during 2022 and 2023, activities are currently being carried out to establish/replace the Land Registry book for the cadastral municipality Mostar 1 and Mostar 2 within the Land Registry office.
In the area of the City of Mostar, a survey was carried out and a database was created for 23 cadastral municipalities that were not put into official use. Currently, the survey and cadastral land classification data are being made available for public inspection of cadastral municipality Dobrč and Soviči, and preparatory works for cadastral municipality Podvelež.
Through joint activities in 2022 and 2023, a Utility Cadaster was established in the area of the City of Mostar, and additional activities were carried out to establish and maintain applications and projects for the Address Register, Sales Price Register and Digital Archive.