A working meeting regarding the realization of the Real Estate Registration Project and other activities of the land administration sector implemented in the Municipality of Kiseljak was held in premises of the Municipal Court in Kiseljak on 12 March 2020. On the meeting participated Mr. Zeljko Obradovic, Director of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, Mr. Mladen Misuric- Ramljak, Municipal Mayor, Ms. Bozana Banduka, President of the Municipal Court, Mr. Stipica Orec, Director of the Cantonal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs and employees of the municipality, as well as employees of the land registry office of the Municipal Court in Kiseljak.
It was expressed big satisfaction with the project activities, especially with activities of harmonization between cadastral and land registry data, as well as good cooperation between representatives of land registry office, municipal department for geodetic and real property affairs, Cantonal and Federal Administration which is a basic prerequisite for quality realization of projects and activities. The land registry for cadastral municipalities Podastinje, Gomionica and Brestovsko is currently being established, cadastral municipalities of Gromiljak, Visnjica and Orahovo are being prepared, and then the cadastral data of the Municipality Kiseljak will be presented.