A joint meeting was held in premises of the Government of the Herzegovina- Neretva Canton on 10 February 2020. At the meeting participated Dr. Sc. Nevenko Herzeg, President of the Government of the Herzegovina- Neretva Canton, Mr. Zeljko Obradovic, Direcor of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, Mr. Ivan Lesko, Director of the Cantonal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, their associates and city/municipality mayors of the Canton.
President Herzeg opened the meeting and emphasized the importance of the land administration sector and spatial data for the economy and society functioning. After the opening speech, the results and current projects in land administration sector of Herzegovina- Neretva Canton were presented.
Mr. Zeljko Obradovic presented current projects and activities in the land administration sector of the Federation of BiH. He especially referred to the harmonization of cadastral and land registry data, address register establishment and real estate cadaster establishment. Considering that mention projects could not berealized without the contribution of local self-government units and increased involvement of their competent services, a special invitation was sent to the present representatives of local self-government units for more intensive cooperation.