Representatives of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs and representatives of the Geodetic Administration of Netherlands have visited the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and met with Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Loes Lammerts on 6 April 2018. Behalf of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs was Mr Željko Obradović, Director and Mr. Nikola Cvjetković and Mrs. Nina Tavra, and behalf of the Geodetic Administration of Netherlands was Mrs. Paula Dijkstra and Mr. Haico van der Vegt and Mr. Dorus Kruse.
Mrs. Paula Dijkstra behalf of the Geodetic Administration of Netherlands informed the attendees about held workshop “NSDI and INSPIRE” and about achieved results and collected information. “SPATIAL REGION” Project gathers countries in region: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, and main goal of this workshop was to get acquainted with the spatial data infrastructure and land administration sector of each country.
Director of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, President of the Spatial Data Infrastructure Council Mr. Željko Obradović presented structure and competences of the Council, and informed about planned activities like establishing SDI Geoportal and “Days of SDI in BiH” in September. The most important activity of the Federal Geodetic Administration is harmonization between cadaster and land registry, and 50% was harmonized by now.
Mrs. Loes Lammerts pointed out the importance of registered property and harmonized data in registering companies, taking the loans from banks and pointed out the importance of those projects implementing in the Federal Geodetic Administration.