A meeting between Mr. Željko Obradović, Director General of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs and Mrs. Bosiljka Predragović Director General of the Republic Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs Republic of Srpska, and Mrs. Anđa Zimić CILAP project Director, was held in the Federal Geodetic Administration on 29 March 2018.
Main topic of this meeting was the implementation of the RERP, CILAP and IMPULSE projects. Directors were agreed next steps regarding these projects and some upcoming activities and projects. Planned meeting will be held in Zagreb on 11 and 12 April, in the Norwegian Administration for Mapping and Cadastre- Statens kartverk on 17 and 18 April, about potential project regarding digital archive system on planned locations in both entities, grunted and upgraded entity network of permanent GNSS stations. A meeting was finished with an overview of the CILAP project activities and results, presented by Mrs. Anđa Zimić.