A meeting regarding the presentation of the Joint Information System of Land Registry and Cadaster in the Republic of Croatia was held in premises of the Federal Geodetic Administration on 12 February 2020. Mr. Ilija Cacic from Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Zagreb, held the presentation.
Mr. Zeljko Obradovic, Director of the Federal Geodetic Administration opened the meeting and welcomed representatives from the Erricson Nikola Tesla, Zagreb and emphasized good cooperation between two administrations, the State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia and the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs.
During the meeting, other elements of the information system including digital signature / seal, as well as e-services of the land administration sector provided within the State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia were also presented.
The presentation was useful for the Federal Geodetic Administration considering adopted Strategy on Information and Communication Technology for Land Registry and Real Estate/Land Cadaster in the Federation of BiH for the Period 2019-2029 supported by the Government of the Federation of BiH.