In accordance with the CILAP project planned activities a workshop with a topic “Integrity Building in Land Administration” is held in Sarajevo on January 12, 2016.
The workshop is led by expert Mrs. Emina Abrahamsdotter and it is attended by Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs management, representatives of land registry and cadastre offices and representatives of RERP project implementation unit in FBIH.
The objective of the workshop was:
Participants were introduced to the concepts of integrity and corruption, and why it is important to systematically prevent corruption and strengthen integrity. During the workshop discussion was made regarding causes and consequences of corruption in Land Administration sector with an emphasis on the impact on Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs work, methods for building and development of institutional and personal integrity.
The workshop was jointly concluded that it is necessary to affect both employees and as well general public. It is important to use participatory (with inner key staff) and also strategic approach. The first step towards this will include analysis of the current situation, building internal capacity /training/coaching (leadership with integrity, ethics in public service, organizational culture, change management, etc.) and development of measures for improvement of the integrity and prevention of corruption within plans such as Strategic, Communication and Human Resources Plan.