Dear All,
We would like to share the information that for the needs of the Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, through the engagement of the SDI FBiH Authority and Coordination Body, an important activity of identification, creation and adoption of visual identity was realized.
The Year 2023 was, among other things, marked by intensive work on improved possibilities of presence and recognition of IPP FBiH among the professional community, users and the public. As the Coordinating body of SDI FBiH, the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs (FGA) took a leading role in this process to ensure that the visual identity of IPP FBiH reflects the identified values and goals of SDI FBIH.
We are pleased to highlight that the SDI FBiH Council formally adopted all elements of the new visual identity and supported the use of the same for all aspects of communication related to the SDI FBiH and the activities being carried out.
One of the most significant changes is the redesign of the official website of SDI FBiH,, which now provides an improved user experience and facilitates access to information regarding SDI FBiH and related activities.
The new logo and slogan "We connect data and space for sustainable future" clearly reflect the mission of connecting spatial data with the aim of supporting a sustainable future for all citizens of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In addition, we have continuously worked to improve the visual presentation of our applications, including FBiH SDI Registries, FBiH Metadata Catalog and Web viewer, to ensure that our users have easier access to key information and tools. The same can be accessed from the official website of IPP FBiH.
The new Viewer of the SDI FBiH has been improved and put into use. The Viewer is Web GIS application that displays spatial data based on previously established web services of standardized spatial data held by SDI stakeholders. The primary goal of establishing the Viewer of the Spatial Data Infrastructure FBiH is to ensure easier access and use of standardized spatial data held by SDI stakeholders.
Furthermore, in order to provide a greater number of communication channels for different types of content and media, we created profiles on the most popular social networks LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube. Through these platforms, in the future we will regularly inform you about news, events and materials of importance for the work of the SDI FBiH and related bodies.
We invite you to explore our new visual identity, visit our website and follow us on social networks to stay informed about the latest developments and initiatives we are implementing.
With respect,
Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs,
Coordinating body of the Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina