The Impulse Project national workshop was held on 28 March 2019 in Sarajevo. Main goal of IMPULSE project is to transfer knowledge to professional staff working in geodetic administrations and other agencies responsible for establishing and implementing SDI in Western Balkan region (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo and Macedonia). The Project is funded by SIDA and leads the Swedish Geodetic Administration- Lantmateriet and younger project in project implementation, State Geodetic Administration of Republic of Croatia.
This IMPULSE national workshop is focused on the subjects of the Spatial Data Infrastructure, staff of the Federal Geodetic Administration presented and gave instructions for using the web applications for metadata entry into Register of Subjects, Spatial Data Register and Metadata Editor. On this way, Subjects of SDI becomes active participants in the Spatial Data Infrastructure implementation and gives metadata about their institutions and spatial data sources in their jurisdiction.
On the workshop participated IMPULSE Project experts from State Geodetic Administration Republic of Croatia; Mr. Tomislav Ciceli and Ms. Iva Gašparević, subjects of SDI; Sava River Basin Agency, Adriatic Sea Watershed Agency, Federal Institute for Statistics, Federal Institute for Geology, Federal Hydrometeorological Institute, Members of the Working Group for business model, members of the Working Group for communication and capacity building, staff of the Federal Geodetic Administration; Mr. Nedžad Pašalić Assistant Director for Geoinformatics, Ms. Slobodanka Ključanin Coordinator of the IMPULSE Project for Federation of BiH, Mr. Nikola Cvjetković and other members of the IMPULSE team.