Realization of Digital Archive pilot projects in the municipality of Gradačac - municipal department for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs and Land Registry of the Municipal Court, has continued with training for digitalization of land registries and accompanying documentation.
The training was conducted on January 11-14, 2016 in the premises of Land Registry of the Municipal Court in Gradacac with participation of employees of Land Registry and municipal department for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs. The training was performed by experts from the Republic Geodetic Authority in Belgrade led by Danilo Radunovic, head of department for digital archive.
The training has covered the entire process of digitalization of land registries and accompanying documentation as follows:
- cleaning,
- tools and equipment - explanations, usage, practical application,
- examples of reparations for minor and major damages of the land registries.
- The application of tools, gluing (types of tapes and glues that are allowed), the different types of documents present in the case;
- Practical training for less and more damaged documents;
- Removal of metal and straightening of documents – practically
- Definition of file formats, and possible compression of raster files for all types of documents,
- Determination of resolution (for the camera - selection of mode) for certain types of documents
- Setting of parameters for the photo table, photo equipment and imaging,
- The encoding in the digitalization process and control of coding,
- Quality control of raster files and management of data at the workplace
- Preparing and reparations,
- Coding, imaging and control
- Procedures of analog documents during all processes and its disposal
For the realization of the pilot project CILAP supported hiring of two employees who will be exclusively engaged on the digitalization of archival materials.
In the next period a roto and flat scanner will be procured, which will create conditions for the full completion of working processes and efficient work on digitalization of the entire archive material in the municipal department for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs and Land Registry of the Municipal Court in Gradacac.