House of Peoples of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been adopted the Draft Law on Spatial Data Infrastructure of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the continuation of the session on 28 June 2021. The European Parliament Directive from 2007 was the basis for the Draft Law, as well as experiences of the countries from the region and countries from Nordic region.
The Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs was given a central role as the coordinating body of the SDI FBiH, which prepares operational programs of the FBiH Government in the area of SDI FBiH, coordinates and supervises the implementation of regulations adopted on the Law basis.
The new Federal Law creates basic rules on the Spatial Data Infrastructure establishment, its content, as well as coordination and supervisor mechanisms. According to research, the spatial component has more than 80% of the total information. The Strategy was also adopted as well as SDI bodies were formed ( SDI Council and working groups), and the SDI FBiH Geoportal was installed with already harmonized 12 data sets.
Considering the importance of the SDI for economic development and the accession process to European integration, there is an evident need to regulate this area by a rule of law.