Government of the Federation of BiH on its regular Session held in Mostar on 5 December 2019, adopted the information of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs and adopted the Conclusion on the implementation support of Strategy on Information and Communication Technology for Land Registry and Real Estate/Land Cadaster in the Federation of BiH for the Period 2019-2029.
With the adopted Conclusion, the Government of the Federation of BiH confirmed that recognizes the importance of establishing interoperability and data exchange between informational system of land registry data and cadaster. In addition, it is confirmation of their interoperability with the informational systems of other public registers (personal data register, business subjects register, address register, sales price register, digital archive etc.) which is why it supports the central bases establishment and the maintenance of digital archive information systems, of the address register and sales price register.
On behalf of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs on the Government Session attended Director Mr. Zeljko Obradovic and Assistant Director Mr. Nedzad Pasalic, and presented the Strategy on Information and Communication Technology for Land Registry and Real Estate/Land Cadaster in the Federation of BiH for the Period 2019-2029 to Government members.