A final meeting with the World Bank’s representatives was held in premises of the Federal Geodetic Administration on 28 October 2019. On the meeting participated World Bank’s representatives, representatives of the Federal Geodetic Administration led by Director, Mr. Željko Obradović and representatives of the Republic Geodetic Administration of Republic of Srpska.
On the final meeting was concluded that the documentation for the negotiations on Additional Financing had been completed, and that it was realistic to expect the negotiations on the continuation of the project starts by the end of the year.
On the same day it was held the donor meeting which also included members of the World Bank mission, members of the entity geodetic administrations and representatives of donor projects; Ms. Andja Zimić, director of the CILAP project, Mr. Denis Tabučić, a coordinator of the project for the Federation of BiH and Ms. Goelema Margreet, GIZ representative.
Representatives of donor projects briefly presented the projects activities and emphasized good cooperation with the administrations, as well as the importance of continuing the donor cooperation.