After successful implementation of domestic procedures for approving the RERP Project implementation and ratification of the loan agreement (Additional Financing) between Bosnia and Herzegovina and International Bank for reconstruction and development IBRD, the World Bank declared the effectiveness of Additional Financing for the Real Estate Registration Project from 17 December 2020. The total value of the loan that will be spent in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is EUR 7,179 (KM 14,041 million).
The main goal of the Real Estate Registration Project is sustainable real estate registration system with harmonized land register and cadastral data in urban areas of the Federation of BiH and Republic of Srpska. The World Bank’s loan will enable the modernization and improvement of the real estate registration system in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Additional Financing was agreed and based on increased requests from project beneficiaries for further activities on systematic harmonization between land register and cadastral data. The result of the harmonization activities is significant increase of land registry entries based on the new cadastral survey from 2013 to 2020. Current there is over 55% of land register data based on new cadastral survey and over a million owners and co-owners have registered their real estate and protect their rights on them.
The Additional Financing of the Real Estate Registration Project will content three components:
Within the A Component Creation of real estate registration database- will gave support to the harmonization between land register and cadastral data, including mapping of vulnerable groups, social monitoring and public information campaigns for support of the real estate registration as well as creation of real estate database. The harmonization between the land register and cadastral data will be done for additional 100 cadastral municipalities of the Federation of BiH.
Within the B Component Development of the real estate registration infrastructure- will continue the working conditions improvement and infrastructure in cadastral and land registry offices by renovation and modernization, the implementation of ICT Strategy as well as implementation of information and communication technology systems.
Within the C Component Policies development, institutional improvement and project management- will ensure the support in policies development and institutional improvement, sustainability and managing real estate registers as well as support in project management and monitoring by providing technical support in the form of training.