We would like to inform you that the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs has prepared a draft version of Rulebook on Utility Cadastre of Federation of BiH based on the existing Rulebook on Utility Cadastre, as part of the planned activities for 2019.
The Rulebook has been made by the inter-institutional working group, and the Rulebook introduces electronic management and maintenance of utility cadaster, it modernizes and prescribes in detail the methods of production and submission of geodetic studies of utility cadaster, and prescribes acceptable surveying methodologies and regulates many other things related to this segment of geodetic activity.
We would like to invite interested parties to take over the Rulebook on Utility Cadastre of Federation of BiH, and to submit comments, suggestions and remarks to the FGA management, for consideration and, as appropriate, included in the final text of the Rulebook.
The deadline for submitting comments (email address: is 30 days from the date of publication of this information.
Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs