Donor meeting with the World Bank representatives was held in premises of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs on 6 November 2018. Representatives of the CILAP and Norwegian project, the European Commission representative, representative of the Swedish Embassy in Sarajevo, directors and representatives of Administrations from both entities attended this meeting.
The Director of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, Mr. Željko Obradović informed participants about projects news and activities.
Mrs. Andja Zimić, CILAP Project Director, pointed out positive experiences and good cooperation with both Administrations and notified that the main goal of this project is to make the Land Administration more efficient and safer, and informed participants about all project components and recent evaluation.
The European Commission in Bosnia and Herzegovina representative, Mrs. Dženita Polić, informed the participants about the projects funded by the European Union, particularly about the LIDAR project whose documentation is now in Brussels, and after that consideration the project assignment will be done.
Mrs. Maria Lodin from the Norwegian Geodetic Administration has informed about the Norwegian Project which provides support to software for digital archive and hardware support.
On the end of this meeting, leader of the Supervisory World Bank Mission Mr. Camile Bourguignon has thanked all project representatives on their presentations and pointed out that this Mission was very high quality with good results, and Director of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs, Mr. Željko Obradović has thanked all donators on good cooperation and help so far.