A meeting of the CILAP Project Steering Committee was held on 4 December 2014 in Trebinje. The 2014 Annual Project Progress Report was presented and adopted in the meeting, as well as the 2015 Annual Project Work Plan and Schedule.
It was agreed in the meeting that the project document for the second phase of the project (2016-2018) would be prepared by mid-2015.
On behalf of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the meeting was attended by Marie Bergstrom, Development Cooperation Adviser, and Nedim Bukvić, Local Portfolio Manager, on behalf of Läntmateriet (geodetic authority of the Kingdom of Sweden), the meeting was attended by Anders Lundquist, Deputy General Manager, while on behalf of the CILAP Project, the meeting was attended by Anđa Zimić, Project Director, and Šeho Zimić and Dejan Jeremić, Consultants. On behalf of the Republic Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs of RS, the meeting was attended by Miloš Komljenović, Director, and Darko Mišković, Adviser to Director, while on behalf of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs of FBiH, the meeting was attended by Nedžad Pašalić, Assistant Director.
All participants expressed their satisfaction with the implementation of the CILAP Project so far, endorsing further implementation of the project and continuation of the successful cooperation of the Kingdom of Sweden and Bosnia and Herzegovina on improvement of land administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina.