A regular annual meeting of the Steering Committee of the Project “Capacity Building for Improvement of Land Administration and Procedures in Bosnia and Herzegovina”– CILAP and Norwegian project was held in Trebinje on January 31st, 2019 .
The Steering Committee meeting was attended by:
The Steering Committee meeting started with the presentation of Annual Progress Report for Year 2018 that was given by Ms. Andja Zimić. Results of project components related to capacity building within land administration institutions in BiH were presented by Ms. Andja Zimić and project coordinatros, Mr. Denis Tabučić and Mr. Stojan Jungić.
During the Steering Committee, plans for potentially extending the CILAP project implementation have also been considered, and also analyzed the results of the project evaluation that was previously carried out by Sida in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
All participants expressed their great satisfaction with the implementation and results of the CILAP and Norwegian project and concluded that the support that projects provides is very important not only for the development of geodetic authorities as direct beneficiaries, but also for the improvement of entire land administration sector in BiH. Project activities will contribute to economic and social development, sustainable real estate market, sustainable land use, and the accession of the EU what is the overall development objective of the project.