In Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina on January 28 and 29, 2016 the regular meeting of CILAP and the Norwegian project Steering Committee were held. On this occasion, the Project Steering Committee was assembled of:
- Bengt Kjellson, Director General of Lantmäteriet, ( The Swedish Mapping, Cadastre and Land Registration Authority)
- Željko Obradović, director of Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real - Property Affairs of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
- Miloš Komljenović, director of Republic Administration for Geodetic and Real - Property Affairs of the Republika Srpska
- Anđa Zimić, CILAP project director,
- Helge Onsrud-representative of the Norwegian Geodetic Administration,
- Maria Lodin -Norwegian project coordinator for BiH
- Marie Bergstrom-Sida and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden representative,
- Nedim Bukvić-Sida representative,
- Denis Tabučić – CILAP project coordinator for FBiH and
- Darko Mišković - CILAP project coordinator for RS
During the meeting, the Report on the activities and progress for Year 2015 was considered and for this purpose Mrs. Andja Zimić held a presentation of the Report. Also, Director of the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real - Property Affairs has presented visible results of the project components regarding capacity building within the institutions of Land Administration in BiH.
Representatives of the Swedish Embassy / Sida have expressed their thoughts and gave comments and suggestions for improvement of project documents. Also to attendees they have presented available information regarding the CILAP project continuation for the period 2016-2019.
Representatives of the Norwegian Geodetic Administration have informed the attendees about the activities of this Project with a focus on digital archives and completion of the tender procedure for this activity.
As an introduction to the Steering Committee meeting, a visit to the Municipality of Laktaši was organized, and a dinner which was attended by the Ambassador of Sweden to BiH, His Excellency Mr. Fredrik Schiller, who on this occasion expressed his satisfaction with the results of projects and excellent cooperation established between the two geodetic administrations in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Great satisfaction with the implementation and results of CILAP and Norwegian projects is expressed by all participants of the meeting. They also have concluded that support that these projects provide are extremely important not only for the development of geodetic administrations, as direct participants, but also for the improvement of the entire system of Land Administration in BiH. This will contribute to economic and social development, sustainable Real Estate Market, sustainable Land Use, and the EU accession and the same represent the overall development objective of the Project.
The next Steering Committee meeting will be held in middle of June of this Year in Oslo (Norway).