In an effort to improve the field of Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Federation Of Bosnia And Herzegovina (SDI FBiH) and build capacities, the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs organized and conducted three cycles of education: Basic, Advanced and INSPIRE/IPP training. Representatives from 15 state, federal and cantonal government institutions participated in the mentioned trainings. The total number of participants was a little more than 50 per each training cycle.
The institutions that attended training organized by FGU are: Agency for the Provision of Air Navigation Services of BH (BHANSA), Federal Ministry of Spatial Planning, Federal Bureau of Statistics, Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism, FBiH Environmental Protection Fund, Federal Institute for Agropedology, Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, Federal Institute of Geology, Federal Hydro meteorological Institute, PC Highways of the Federation Of Bosnia And Herzegovina, P.C. Roads of the Federation Of Bosnia And Herzegovina, Directorate of Roads of Canton Sarajevo, Institute for Development Planning of Canton Sarajevo, Ministry of Spatial Planning and Environmental Protection of Tuzla Canton, Institute for Urban Planning and Spatial Planning of Zenica-Doboj Canton.
The Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Legal Affairs has provided budget funds for the education of employees of SDI FBiH stakeholders during 2023 and 2024, in order to ensure the continuous improvement of capacities in the field of Spatial Data Infrastructure. The company GAUSS d.o.o. Tuzla was selected as a service provider which has rich experience in capacity building in the field of SDI and spatial data in general.
The training program included three types of training, each with specific competencies that participants should acquire in order to improve their understanding of thematic areas. The main goal is to acquire competences in the field of spatial data management, their preparation, presentation and sharing, as well as the acquisition of basic knowledge when it comes to spatial data infrastructure.
All three training cycles and capacity building in these areas represent an important step towards strengthening the infrastructure of spatial data in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and enables institutions to better use spatial data in their activities. The Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs continues to invest in the development and training of its employees as well as employees of other institutions in order to ensure a better use of spatial data in the future.
At the end of each held training, an evaluation of the acquired knowledge was carried out, within which the attendees could present their observations during the training, including the content of the training, methodology and everything else. By reviewing the completed evaluation forms of the trainings, it can be concluded that the training was successfully conducted and that the set goal was met.