In order to build capacity regarding Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (SDI FBiH), the Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs (FGA) in the work plan for Year 2024 and in budget funds ensured the education of employees of the subjects of IPP FBiH for 2024, which will be done through a qualified service provider with experience in capacity building in the field of SDI and spatial data in general. The company GAUSS d.o.o. Tuzla was selected as a service provider regarding this topic.
The training program included three types of training, each with specific competencies that participants should acquire in order to improve their understanding of thematic areas. The main goal is to acquire competences in the field of spatial data management, their preparation, presentation and sharing, as well as the acquisition of basic knowledge when it comes to spatial data infrastructure.
Interest in training was expressed by 24 institutions/public companies recognized as SDI stakeholders. During the entire September, 4 basic trainings, 5 advanced trainings and 3 trainings related to the INSPIRE topic will be held.
All three training cycles and capacity building in these areas represent an important step towards strengthening the infrastructure of spatial data in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and enables institutions to better use spatial data in their activities. The Federal Administration for Geodetic and Real Property Affairs continues to invest in the development and training of its employees as well as employees of other institutions in order to ensure a better use of spatial data in the future.